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Four New Names For Burbank's Bob Hope Airport Are Suggested For Attracting More Travelers

Would Bob Hope Airport do better with a name change? That's a question some officials have been pondering for some time. A branding firm told Bob Hope Airport officials the possible benefits of having Los Angeles in its name. However, some residents do not want any of it. ( 기타...

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Airport "names" that do not include the location are stupid and confusing. What Burbank needs is better access, longer runways, and gate locations that are not 12 feet south of the E-W active runway!
You haven't flown into Santa Barbara, have you?

Anyway, longer runways? You do realize that 2L/20R at KSNA (Orange County's LONGEST runway) is 100ft *shorter* than KBUR's shortest runway (8/26), yes? That's more than enough length for a 737 or A320 variant to land on, and with 15/33 being over 1000ft longer than 20R at SNA, 15/33 is definitely long enough for departures.
linbb 1
Don't think that the other commenter has a clue about airports other than planes go in and out of them. Names don't matter to a pilot as its just a series of letters and he will land there. Driving on the other hand one needs to know more. Get my drift?
Pileits 0
Who is Bob Hope?
You want to attract more travelers, change the name to Las Vegas.
Didn't work for Las Vegas, New Mexico - to the point where they changed the VOR there from LVS (Las Vegas) to FTI (Fort Union).
Just call it LA Regional, that will fool the tourists just like Orlando Sanford, New York Newark INTL and "St. Louis" Mid-America. Now that I think of it, let Allegiant name it.


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