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PIA plane crash: Pakistan's national airline sacrifices goat on Tarmac before test flight

Twelve days after a fatal air crash in Pakistan, the aviation world has been startled by the apparent sacrifice of a goat beside a plane at the nation’s main international airport. ( 기타...

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Not the first scapegoat to go: 2007 Nepal Airline
linbb -1
Well its a third class nation that is stuck back in the stone age way of thinking so what do you expect?
No need for such a smart-arse comment on an aviation site like this.
Pileits 2
@ Captain Dean

Don't let your ego get in the way Commodore.
IanDeans comment was directed at is an unnecessary remark about a country struggling with many issues. This is an aviation site not a commentary on social issues.
By the way, am not a Captain, or a Ccmmodore, just a regular guy interested in aviation.


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