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Boeing cuts back on large aircraft as demand drops

Most airlines no longer want the Airbus "Superjumbo" or Boeing's "Queen of the Skies" as they increasingly opt for smaller wide-body versions that are fuel-efficient, flexible and viable to operate. "We... Please credit and share this article with others using this link: View our policies at and © Post… ( 기타...

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bbabis 1
I for one never have and never will have a desire to be packed onto a 500+ pax airplane. As the article says, they are best suited as freighters. Most of the pax versions in service will be converted to freighters which will also hurt new sales. By its very nature air based travel is different from land and water based. Accidents with ships and land based mass transit rarely result in loss of all on board.

As a side note: you'll never find me on a cruise ship either. No fear of safety. Just too much human density.
bill..i agree..even with amenities, being elbow to elbow with a lot of other people for several hours is at best uncomforatble, and at worst (for some) clasterphobic! a cruise ship is like a small city and except for land excursions,there really are no places to "get away" least the old 747 (on some aircraft) had the upstairs "lounge",and even coach did not seem so "packed"..
Ya, nothing like being packed like a sardine with 500 to 5000 people you don't like. Man, that's living!
jbermo 1
There may come a day where history repeats itself with regards to industry demands for large airplanes.
Where Boeing is an excellent employer, they suffer from the same affliction as other manufactures... When the orders are not coming in, they are laying people off... I used to have to work in that environment and I have had to temporarily change my field, or take a lay off...


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