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Incident: El Al B737 near Zagreb on Aug 27th 2017, smelley galley

An El Al Boeing 737-900, registration 4X-EHC performing flight LY-354 from Munich (Germany) to Tel Aviv (Israel) with 170 people on board, was enroute at FL330 about 10nm north of Zagreb (Croatia) when the crew decided to divert to Zagreb reporting a burning odour in the aft cabin ( 기타...

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pilotjag 2
Smelly galley? Are you sh****ng me? Is this really squawk worth? Oh wait... It is to you! Because you hate Boeing and everything Boeing! Seriously, I hope one of these days the moderators of Flightaware see how this is annoying the other users and ban you from using this website!
linbb 0
Wow is this the best you could do? Never did see the airbus report about the AD on hydraulics?


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