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TSB investigating after 2 private jets crash on the ground at Winnipeg airport

The Transportation Safety Board is investigating after two planes crashed at Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport Sunday. In a release the TSB says the crash happened on the ground between two private jets, and a team of two investigators are en route to Winnipeg to gather information and assess what happened. The TSB says no injuries were reported. Winnipeg Airports Authority spokesperson Tyler MacAfee says the crash happened around 3:30 p.m. and one of the planes was… ( 기타...

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linbb -3
Great news story, NOT, no details just a fender bender while taxing.
These were the only details available at the time. If more facts become available , I'll post them a.s.a.p. . Any incident involving aircraft that could involve restrictions, delays , cancellations to other aircraft, (in this case a fuel spillage) is useful to the aviation community. Maybe it maybe necessary to publish a NOTAM if you understand my meaning.


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