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Watch Out, Airlines. High Speed Rail Now Rivals Flying on Key Routes

Across Asia and Europe, high-speed rail is providing a competitive alternative to air travel on the same routes, in terms of price and the all-important barometer of time. Put that together with the environmental benefits that flow from not burning jet fuel, and staying on the ground begins to make more sense for travelers who would otherwise trudge to the airport ( 기타...

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I don't understand why high speed rail isn't used for freight as well, especially during off-peak times like overnight. That would be a serious threat to air freight.
linbb 0
Doubt if the road bed and rail size is made for heavy trains to run on. Logistics for spotting the freight cars among other problems.
linbb 0
What benefits from not burning jet fuel? How do they run, on good luck? Many of those countries burn coal to create electrical power for the trains or they run on diesel fuel. Now about those jets and there fuel problems? Think again about what powers those trains.
Unfair competition as most high speed rail lines are Government owned.


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