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Delta to Upgrade and Connect its Los Angeles Terminals Following Move

Since its relocation to Terminals 2 and 3 at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in May 2017, Delta Air Lines has had to abandon its recently upgraded Terminal 5 and new Delta ONE Lounge which both debuted in 2015. The move was unfortunate but strategic, allowing Delta to add more than 7 passenger gates and allow better access to the Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT) for its passengers and SkyTeam partners. ( 기타...

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After enjoying the Delta 1 curbside check in on the South side of the horseshoe once, They moved to the North side 2 and 3. I had to set my watch back 20 years. Place looked like it had not even been painted since 1988.

Now asking people to put up with construction for five years and the inevitable cutbacks in facilities and service Delta will join the ranks of formally great carriers.
They should have connected BEFORE they moved to there. I had been purposely avoiding a layover in LAX whenever possible. After all go though TSA \is inconvenient, go through then twice is double inconvenient.


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