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Airbus renames CSeries: A220
Toulouse - Bombardier CSeries aircraft are now called A220-100 and A220-300. The cooperation between Bombardier and Airbus on the CSeries was one of the most prominent industry events of 2017. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I'm mixed on the AB acquisition but truth be told, this was the fault of Bombardier. Their management of the program is a case history of why a family shouldn't control a conglomerate. The reality is AB probably saved the program, whether they shelve it, expand it, or leave it as be. At least we will still see the C-Series fly for the foreseeable future and I'm thankful for that! I will, however, never look at Boeing the same way again.
It looks for all the world like an Airbus. If truth be told it has probably saved the C-series and all the jobs and infrastructure that goes with it, while giving Airbus a modern 100-seater which they didn't have. Bombardier didn't have many sales locked in. This will open up the whole world to them and especially in the SE-Asia and Oceania regions. I see it as a win-win for both Bombardier and Airbus.
It is too bad for Canadian aviation , they had give 51% away could be worse to see the whole program go down!
Interesting. Does this mean we will eventually see A221 and A223 as aircraft equipment type designators on FlightAware?
Shall we expect the B736 for Embraer's E2 jets?
Seeing that there was already a B736 (being the B737-600 series), the answer is no.
Like mentioned below, this will probably be something completely different, like how the last MD90 designs were designated the B717. The problem, however is that with Boeing having trademarked the 797, we don't know if it will be for their NMA, or a baby Boeing for use with the EJets. They've run out of numbers in the 700 series.
Like mentioned below, this will probably be something completely different, like how the last MD90 designs were designated the B717. The problem, however is that with Boeing having trademarked the 797, we don't know if it will be for their NMA, or a baby Boeing for use with the EJets. They've run out of numbers in the 700 series.
The 600 series? maybe the 500 series?
There was also a 735 (737-500) series as well. Those were part of the 737NG (Next Generation) series, as opposed to the Classic series (737-100, 737-200, 737-300, 737-400). The 737-700, 737-800, and 737-900 are the only ones remaining outside of the MAX variants coming out.
And it doesn't make sense to do a 737-10 series like they did with the B787, because the EJets would be a smaller aircraft.
And it doesn't make sense to do a 737-10 series like they did with the B787, because the EJets would be a smaller aircraft.