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VIDEO: Convair CV-340 crash near Pretoria, South Africa taken from inside the cabin

A Convair CV-340 crashed in South Africa and there is video from inside the plane. ( 기타...

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He didn't rush to get out of the aircraft.
Amazing how calm the passengers were during and after the crash. No screaming, no yelling, apparently no panic.

The sad part about this crash is that it may well have been preventable. It is my understanding that this aircraft had been in storage for a few years and recently donated to Aviodrome. The crew of the CV-340 performed only a few full-power engine run-ups before this flight. None of the run-ups lasted for more than a minute and there were no full-power taxi runs or test flights.

Passengers were loaded and the aircraft departed for the first leg of its planned journey to Holland. The port engine began backfiring and then a fire started on takeoff. It is unclear if the starboard engine was producing full power.
Likely the port engine wasn’t producing full power either, you can see the pilots tried to return to the airport, but they are making a right turn instead of left. In addition, the CV-340 is relitively newer prop plane with a advanced radial engine, it should able to continue takeoff on one engine; yet still didn’t gather enough airspeed to avoid crashing suggesting right engine doesn’t have enough power or pilot error.
More details here: Sadly, two fatalities were later reported.


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