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Setting The Record Straight On Why Fighter Jets Can't All Simply Fly Away To Escape Storms

We have been leading the coverage on the state of aircraft left behind after Hurricane Michael made a direct strike on the highly important Tyndall Air Force Base. We have posted pictures showing QF-16s, Mu-2s, and yes, F-22s, sitting among the rubble inside badly damaged hangars at the base. The USAF has stated that aircraft were left behind, with unofficial figures being reported that range from three to 18 of the precious super fighters riding out the storm on site. ( 기타...

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F22's "lost" - nope hangared.
Cansojr 1
linbb what are you trying to say. This is a subject not related to these comments.
linbb 1
That rag must not have much to report. Also after reading the people who frequent that web site must also be among the low information bunch. Could be they also watch for chem trails in the sky.
Cansojr 1
What does this mean in reference to "chem-trails". As for your other comments what are you trying to say. Is it even related to this topic at all?


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