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His F-16 lost an engine, then caught fire over Washington before crashing. And he lived to tell about it.

Capt. Jonathan “Holster” Morgan was on a routine training mission slicing through clear blue sky over Washington. Less than a minute into the air, his jet accelerated faster than he had ever felt. Warning lights flashed in the cockpit. ( 기타...

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Losing “an engine” sucks if you only have one.
This had nothing to do with the pilot and everything to do with the aircraft. That they figured out exactly what the problem was hopefully means no other pilots will have to deal with this problem.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

linbb 8
So what makes you an expert? You think that the engine failed for what reason? It could have happened to anyone flying an aircraft. The mechanics for the air guard are full time by the way. Your statement is stupid and crazy. Too bad you must be another troll on here. Go play Nintendo.
on behalf of the 132nd TFW Iowa ANG (wing was 20 year operator of block 42 / block 30/32 F-16) you're welcome. Two deployments to Balad AB, two to Incirlik AB, countless incidents, 97% + availability. All while holding down 'real' jobs.
jbqwik 5
Your comments have nothing to do with the story.
If you knew your history you'd also know our NG is a distinguished component of our country's defense whose pilots are skilled and motivated professionals.


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