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Cathay Pacific A350 Gets Stuck In A Ditch In Tel Aviv.

A Cathay Pacific Airbus A350-900 flying from TLV-HKG got stuck after the landing gears sank into the soft pavement. ( 기타...

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Considering all of the aircraft that come and go from Tel Aviv, seems like some poor plane was going to get stuck if the failed pavement at some point. Need to use some ground penetrating radar to see what else is going on in the area.
jptq63 2
Real question is will there be other planes getting stuck.
Pictures accompanying article show wheel chock (sp?) holding plane in place. I'm willing to bet that plane isn't going to get away w/o it!
How will they get it out?
Capt to FO, what was that PLR (pavement load rating) again for the ramp? Ooops, never mind!
Cansojr 3
The Captain successfully ditched the aircraft in ...a ditch.
linbb 0
MH370 must have missed this event
It’s bad news about airbus he doesn’t read them. And two looks like the plane is still on the tarmac just off of the center line.
shud of put in 4x4.. lol


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