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Unluckiest Airline Ever? Norwegian Air Has Had Non Stop Problems With Boeing Aircraft

Norwegian Air hasn’t had an awful lot of luck lately. The airline operates a fleet of Boeing 787 and Boeing 737 MAX aircraft. As such, there have been a number of problems with Boeing aircraft as of late which have seen their aircraft stuck on the ground. ( 기타...

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You and the others didn't fully read the article, which btw, is also published on two other platforms. As it turns out Norwegian had to wet lease an A380 to accommodate those 787 pax to their destinations. They got a refund from Boeing and used it for the MAX. They lost one jet in Iran, which eventually was returned three months later.
You guys just like shooting the messenger and the lawyers.
linbb 0
And none were operator cause problems? Do you really hate Boeing or are you just being another internet troll?
He is a troll, posting garbage from sites like Simple Flying.
I said this before he works for Airbus. He hasn’t said one thing nice about Boeing in a while if at all.
Cansojr 0
Please do not post stuff that is not relevant. What has your comment done to with the serious problems facing NORWEGIAN AIRLINES. Stay off until you have something to offer other participants.

linbb what is your real interest participating in this site. Up until now you have failed miserably with your rants. Just stop.
Cansoir, do you work for Simple Flying? Linbb's comment seems to have upset you quite a bit.
Cansojr -1
Hi Roger,I am a happy person generally. Please read some of linbb's comments. They aggravate and frustrate rational aviators (I am retired) Most of the participants were seriously engaged with airline and aerospace discussions. Mr. linbb believes that he is smarter than most of us. We try to be polite but I quit trying.


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