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United reveals new livery ahead of official launch

United has taken off the veil on its newest livery just hours before its official reveal on April 24th. ( 기타...

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To say that it is boring is being kind. All airlines are going for the same design of a white frame with a color tail.
All about them weight savings gainz
Cansojr 1
Absolutely, you can apply lighter paints that can knock off up to a 1000 lbs or more. You will have better fuel conservation and less pollution all around.
Geez, it's a paint job.. I ride in the inside, LIKE !

Looks like UAL couln't afford an artist. Oh well.
except for the old Lufthansas paint job i don't get all excited about airline exterior paint. Also the old Brannif flying colors was unique. I don't care about inflight personnel uniform changes, i care about seat confort, seat spacing, ontime flights, and that is about it. What does it matter what the heck the colors are?
Pileits 1
How can new paint have any importance what so ever.....NOT
It’s called branding. Has nothing to do with Schleping people from terminal to terminal behind schedule.
Looks bland to me.
absolute barf fest


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