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Boeing altered key switches in 737 MAX cockpit, limiting ability to shut off MCAS

In the middle of Boeing 737 cockpits, sitting between the pilot seats, are two toggle switches that can immediately shut off power to the systems that control the angle of the plane's horizontal tail. ( 기타...

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Cansojr 1
Now we hear that Boeing altered key switches to prevent shutting down the MCAS. Isn't it messed up enough where the manufacturer makes it more difficult to fly and recover from unusual attitudes. In fact Boeing sabotaged this, this lemon from Renton. I feel sorry for the workers who are proud of their work. The bureaucrats should be called into account for this debacle.
linbb -1
No stupid people like you and the guy who posted it need to troll somewhere else like some toy airplane blog.
Cansojr 1
You don't even know me and you are writing a very pernicious claim about my person. Grow up and stick to the topics. I am neither stupid nor am I a troll. So mind your manners an please shut the heck up. Your squawks are absolutely pointless. Stop it or you may be bumped for using foul language. Everyone is sick and tired of your profanity. Oh yes, I'm not a troll you jughead.


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