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Southwest removes the Boeing 737 MAX from the schedule through October 1

Southwest Airlines continues to await guidance from Boeing and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on the impending 737 MAX software enhancements and training requirements. We are encouraged by the reported progress and proposed path forward for returning the aircraft to service, and we remain confident that, once certified by the FAA, the enhancements will support the safe operation of the MAX. We previously revised our flight schedule by removing the MAX through Sept. 2 to offer… ( 기타...

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Throw that thing away before it kills someone else.
Just forget it - it's not gonna fly for a while
Without a doubt, the 737 Max debacle has given Boeing one heck of a black eye, maybe even two black eyes.
Deservedly so.

Southwest needs to give it up. The 737Max isn't flying until 2020.
AB A220 may be in SW's future.
Cansojr -1
Hi John Kilcher, 220s are in Air Buses future is spot on!


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