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Meet Flirty, A Horse Who Flies On American Airlines

Companion Animals can be miniature horses. I'm shaking my head. ( 기타...

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Can you imagine the lawsuits if a horse kicked a small child on the plane?
pika1000 5
Jim Gaffigan is a psychic!!! During his 10 minutes of horse jokes in his last special on Amazon Video, he mentioned this specific thing happening one day!!!!
canuck44 5
All the horseshit here does not come out the rear end of flirty.Looks like Flirty would have been taller if she hadn't eaten all the oats.
I can imagine what would happen if someone used a snake as a companion animal. How about the anxiety ones' companion animal causes another passenger? There are so many issues here. Just the closed environment of a plane having to deal with the releasing of gas from a barnyard animal would be bad enough but urination would be ridiculous to deal with.
From the Air Carrier Access Act, passed in 1986:

Note: Airlines are NEVER required to accept snakes, reptiles, ferrets, rodents, sugar gliders, and spiders.

Let's read up on the laws first before going to the extremes based on naivety.
I was certainly naive to the reality of a horse used as an animal companion. I'm naive to anything other than a dog used even if it seems airlines aren't REQUIRED to accept a list of other animals. Fact is they allowed a horse. Who knows what they will end up accepting. I'm totally naive.
linbb 1
Oh so the woman is leading the horse not the other way around like service dog I have seen do. Oh great now what and where does that horse fit in the passenger compartment? Not too well will always be in someones road somehow unless there is two extra seats for it. This needs to be stopped for the sake of the airlines and other passengers.
Again, spoken like one has never read the Air Carrier Access Act. Again. you were already shot down for this BS argument before, so now here it is again, and from your very own government:

How do airlines determine whether an animal is a service animal?

Airlines can determine whether an animal is a service animal or pet by:
1. The credible verbal assurances of an individual with a disability using the animal;
2. Looking for physical indicators such as the presence of a harness or tags;
3. Requiring documentation for psychiatric support animals and emotional support animals; and Observing the behavior of animals.
4. Emotional Support and Psychiatric Service Animals - Airlines can request specific documentation and/or 48-hours advanced notice for service animals that are emotional support animals and psychiatric service animals.

What kind of documentation can be required of persons travelling with emotional support animals and psychiatric service animals?

Airlines may require documentation that is not older than one year from the date of your scheduled initial flight that states:

1. You have a mental or emotional disability that is recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM);
2. You need your emotional support or psychiatric support animal as an accommodation for air travel and/or for activity at your destination;
3. The individual providing the assessment is a licensed mental health professional and the passenger is under his/her professional care; and
4. The licensed health care professional’s; Date and type of professional license; and Jurisdiction or state in which their license was issued.

Note: Airlines are never required to accept snakes, reptiles, ferrets, rodents, sugar gliders, and spiders.

If the Airline enforces the law, calls the passenger out for their documentation, and the passenger provides it, there isn't a damned thing you can do about it, because you THINK it is wrong. And yes, miniature horses are trained to be service animals, much to your ignorance in the matter.

Don't like it? Fly another airline, but be advised that they are obligated to follow the same provisions of the ACAA as every other airline in the US and Canada are bound to do.


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