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Delta Is The United States Top Airline For Punctuality

Yesterday data and analytics experts Cirium released its annual on-time performance report. This showed that Delta Air Lines was the world’s third most punctual airline, in addition to the most punctual in North America. ( 기타...

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considering the terrible weather conditions ,from snow to thunderstorms over the past year,i am surprised there are any good statistics to post...then also, there is a little thing called acars,where at the request of a desperate agent needing an "on time departure", the captain can "fudge" a bit and release the brakes to show an out time from the gate,even if they are still sitting there...the statistics take into account only the departure times,not the "off" times,and as far as arrivals,unless held up in a circling pattern or diverted,captains do make up time en route..


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