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The US government spent $1.75 million on an Airbus A321 passenger jet just to blow it up — here's why

The US Army bought an Airbus A321 for $1.75 million to test its vulnerabilities as part of its Commercial Aircraft Vulnerability program at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland. Aircraft in the program are tested to determine threat-level and weaknesses with the Army looking to test the A321 due to its growing popularity and market share. "Explosive vulnerability testing" is part of the testing regime where the Army tests explosives on the aircraft. ( 기타...

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Ugh hate this Business Insider articles. Scrolling for days through pictures just to grasp what the story is trying to convey.

ed lang 3
Roger I agree!! Too painful to read for than the first page. I wonder how they got an A321 for under $2 million!
Probably got a seniors discount using social security funds. The military does buy a lot of expensive jets. Generals and high government persons fly around in the big Gulf Streams costing a lot more than a few million. Maybe the cost is what is represented by an agency transfer from a plane doing duty for NATO allies. Contracts can have pre arranged persons for the contractor and for who they buy from. Seeing GSA is involved who knows with their reputation. Maybe it's originally an Air Bus test plane that got the treatment of hard landings for tests and tearing it down isn't as cheap as calling the US saying we have another plane for you to destroy. There's also the practice between countries of you buy mine and I'll buy yours with prices balancing differences out.

Whatever the case that's a lot of beer and soda cans in that planes future.
This is kind of spending so wrong I can't even talk about it.


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