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European Regulator Says Boeing's 737 MAX is Safe

The head of Europe's aviation safety agency, EASA, has told the BBC he is "certain" Boeing's 737 Max is now safe to fly. ( 기타...

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It will be curious to see how European travelers react to flying on one of the recertified MAX birds.
garritt 5
I loved to fly in the MAX....hope to do so soon..

Most air travelers have very short memories. And most have no idea what model plane they’re on.
Executive summary: now that it's safe, please ignore that that implies it wasn't safe.


...implying that at some point in the past it wasn't safe to fly. (Not snarky but factual.) That's no surprise, and it's something we all know; it's received plenty of discussion here.

So, from 35,000 feet:

Companies will not, companies do not, and are afraid to report and confirm bad things, even when they know, internally, that it's happening.

Instead of reporting in the present that things are bad, they've learned to wait for good news to appear so the bad news can be hushed or swept aside. The good news gets used as a diversion and a misdirection to take the focus off the bad thing.

Through shuffling, they cover it up. They manipulate the public's attention away from the bad and the failure to build support for how, er, *good* things are. The past is relegated and forgotten because of short attention spans, and the cycle repeats itself.

I wish this has a name—something that encapsulated the whole process to help get rid of it, get beyond it, and to start playing nice.


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