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Record Number of Aircraft Swarm EAA AirVenture

First the pandemic. Now the swarm—of aluminum. As of Monday, it looked like EAA AirVenture this year would benefit from a week-long forecast of mostly ideal weather and record attendance of people—and airplanes. In the three days leading up to the show, an astonishing 7,928 aircraft had flown into Oshkosh for the organization’s 68th fly-in, more than double the 3,500 during the same period in 2019—the last year AirVenture was held due to the worldwide pandemic—and more than 50 percent greater… ( 기타...

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Dunno, I've watched the tower webcams ever since they've had them and this year shows more green space than what I've seen in "record breaking" years.

I always wanted to go, back when I was in flight school. It has to be like a nerd convention for the flying sect. Awesome!


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