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An extraordinary, incredible example of customer service (yes, from an airline)
Three times I tried to fill in my credit card details. Three times the site rejected them, insisting I should do the one thing no one wants to do these days: contact an airline's customer service line. Perhaps a couple of minutes went by, with no movement from the other end, when another call came in on my phone. I looked at my screen; it was a Portuguese number. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I had a similar good experience with Qatar Airways in 2020. The day after my flight had been cancelled (due to COVID restrictions) a customer service agent called me to offer an alternate flight and routing, and after I accepted, he issued the new e-ticket intermediately.
Again, the small things and courtesy go along way with making long-term customers. Good on TAP and Andre.
Delta in Colorado Springs set the high bar for customer service. An elderly woman with thick glasses had arrived from Phoenix and was looking for her dog. The baggage office found the dog but it was dead in its travel cage. The quick thinking manager texted the nearby pound and a suitable replacement was found. The dogs were swapped and presented to the woman. She gasped and asked "how did you do that?" The manager thought the jig was up but stayed mum. The woman continued "I was bringing my dog home to be buried and now he's alive and well!"
Very similar story long ago on the NPR radio show CarTalk. This story may be morphing into urban legend.
I am laughing so hard! Love this! Thanks for sharing! ð
I love this. Hahaha