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LAPD officers pull pilot from plane seconds before train crash in dramatic video

The Los Angeles Police Department late Sunday released footage that showed police officers pulling a bleeding pilot to safety just moments before a barreling train collided with his plane stuck on the tracks. ( 기타...

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Hats off to our First Responders and Men in Uniform... Job well Done...
I guess that the Fuel remaining in the wings did not explode upon the impact of the Train hitting it then it would seem.
linbb 1
Might not have had any also aluminum does not spark.
sparkie624 -1
There was no mention of why he Landed on the tracks... After the train finishes with the plane it will be hard to prove fuel exhaustion!
mbrews 1
Duplicate post.

LAPD Twitted a video of the rescue and close call of the speeding train.

By my count, the hero cops yanked the pilot out of the wreckage with only 5 seconds ahead of the train arrival


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