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U.S. States Ask Congress for More Airline Oversight Authority

U.S. states and federal agencies should have new powers to investigate airline passengers complaints, a bipartisan group of 36 state attorneys general said Wednesday sharply criticizing air carriers and the Transportation Department (USDOT). ( 기타...

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Not sure the State Governments could really do better...
linbb 3
Since many in the upper reaches of our govenment cant do things right how are they going to fix this? Look at CA governor moonbeam wants everyone to buy an electric car now but a warning has been issued not to charge them at times because of power shortages. Great now back in DC those idiots think they can do better.
I know what you are saying...
I saw a headline. It said "Silicon Valley and Wall Street Compete for Programming Talent".

Apparently, the airlines do not compete here.


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