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Boeing doesn't expect MAX 10 to gain FAA approval before summer 2023

Exclusive-Boeing doesn't expect MAX 10 to gain FAA approval before summer 2023 -letter ( 기타...

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wx1996 1
I do not understand this - bend every rule in the book to meet an arbitrary date for certification or do it correctly taking the time it needs to be done correctly too sure it is safe. The logic is easy.

But this is not about using logic or public safety, it is about screwing Boeing because they did not contribute to the correct politicians and support union jobs above all. Next capitol hill will scream when many more jobs are lost as Airbus becomes the go to provider.

Chris B 1
The deadline was put into place by Congress, but Boeing had a hand in setting the deadline.

By releasing a mid 2023 date, they are signaling where they want the goalposts for the new cockpit alert system moved to.

Here is already an amendment to the deadline filed requesting until end of 2024 as the new date.
1300 orders for the Max 7 and 10 involved. So it's a big deal representing about three and a half years of production at current rates.


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