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Albatrosses Brought Back From The Dead!

A company in Darwin, Australia will be building a new and improved version of the Grumman Albatross! An original Albatross was delivered to this company earlier and will be used as a model and prototype for their new/old airplane assembly line! (To clarify, They will not be modifying old ones, they will build new ones. This had me confused.) ( 기타...

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Five years to get through prototyping and approvals - seems reasonable. Good on ya, Cobbers!
btweston 0
“As the rest of the world grapples with hydrogen-powered aircraft and flying taxis, an aviation legend is being revived in Darwin, the capital city of Australia's Northern Territory. The Grumman Albatross is being reborn and put back into production as the G-111T by an Australian company, Amphibian Aerospace Industries (AAI).“ — Let’s all just take a moment to marvel at the absurdity of this cooypasta.


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