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New images reveal livery of the last-ever Boeing 747

While delivery of the last-ever Boeing 747 to Atlas Air will mark a momentous occasion for the carrier and the manufacture, new images shared on social media reveal that the aircraft has not been painted in a special livery. ( 기타...

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linbb 2
So what why would they spend money on something no one cares about except just a few?
It's just another tool for them.
jbermo 2
Because it's a nose-loader required by the few.
I think he was referring to that fact that there is no extras on the livery. From a corporate standpoint is exactly what he is talking about.
It's like a tr7cking company getting the last production model of a line, it's rare that companies put special liveries on.
Passenger airlines do it for PR, no need for the aviation equivalent of a box truck to have a fancy livery that only ramp agents and loaders will see apart from what is seen from the fence.


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