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NASA Is Replacing Its Aging DC-8 With A Boeing 777

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is preparing to say goodbye to its old but iconic Douglas DC-8. NASA has operated the Douglas quadjet for decades, first taking it in February 1986, and using it ever since as a flying science laboratory. ( 기타...

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Casey Call 19
I flew the NASA DC-8 for some 7 years at Ames Research Center (tail # 717) until November 1997. I was its chief pilot. It was a wonderful airplane with CFM-56 engines and upgraded avionics as well as other specialized equipment. It had replaced the earlier Convair 990 that had been destroyed on takeoff at March AFB in July 1985.
Good to see long time ago co-workers on this site. You guys did some great work and a lot of hours flying that -8, Casey. Missing the lobster! John Browning
Good to see long time ago co-workers on this site. You guys did some great work and a lot of hours flying that -8, Casey. Missing the "Main" lobster! John Browning
I flew the "8" for 11 years. Just about the most difficult airplane I have ever flown and I loved every minute of it. LOL I understand why they're getting rid of it but I hate to see it go just the same.
rdlink 2
As a non-pilot passenger my least favorite plane has always been the 8, and all its variants.
Boo to you !!
A beautiful aircraft and as tough is old boots
They should have replaced it with a C-17.
What happened to "If it ain't broke, don't fix it?"
Yes I love the 777
The pilots also look on the "aging" side!!!!
Jason Awid, a habitual scammer and real life "Karen" The internet is FLOODED with his constant complaints about pizza, tim hortons, comic book stores, the real canadian super store.... just do a simple google search...... he also committed bank fraud yesterday by fraudulently disputing transactions, to keep his merchandise and obtain refunds

In the 90's Ashton Brown,Joe Renner, & I were Asst Crew Chiefs on NASA,s 757 .A lot of times we would do A lot of Research together . If you ever get a chance to see the inside its just packed with scientific equipment .

777 is awful Big Aircraft for what they do .It will take a long time to transfer all that equipment to the 777.

Also will the 777 fit into the NASA hanger @ Langley AF base ?
If, and I don't know if it ever occured, they fit the shuttle carrier inside, then the triple seven will fit perfectly, the hanger is wide enough, only the tails height might be the problem (if the 747 never fitted), but maybe they could remake the top of the hangers structure to raise the slot for the fin?
joepre 1
Maybe they could display it at Airventure before it goes to the desert?
The stretch version is awesome.
bbabis 1
Is this the DC-8 that has the extra engine pylon on the right forward fuselage?
Imponentes aviones que volaron el cielo, y que bueno que se usaron en la ciencia por la NASA.


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