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SAS to soon start online booking for 2028 flights aboard electric-powered aircraf

STOCKHOLM -- Scandinavian Airlines said Wednesday travelers will soon be able to book seats on the carrier’s first commercial flights due to start five years from now in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark aboard electric-powered aircraft. The Stockholm-based SAS airline group said there will be 30 seats available on each of the three flights and that the day and place of departure will be communicated to travelers by email once decided. Online reservations will open June 2. The airline added that the… ( 기타...

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linbb 0
Where are they being tested? Who is building them? Two questions that have answers which say that nothing has worked so far. Know of two single engine aircraft one a Beaver the other a Cessna 208 both failed due to battery weight would carry a pilot but no payload. The cabin airliner prototype is looking like its going down the same road in Moses Lake WA where the Cessna idea died.


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