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Hunters take aim at an animal rights group's video drone

An animal rights group's inventive plan to use a remote-controlled spycraft to record the actions of hunters was thwarted when the hunters turned their guns on the mini plane. ( 기타...

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I love it! Good shot.
linbb 4
Gee they were not good enough shots need bigger guns. PETA outfits go away find someother thing to do.
canuck44 3
Next time they pull this crap, the club needs to have a nerd either jam their control and video signals or even better over-ride their control. I have a visual picture of the hunters crashing the drone into the most expensive vehicle of the animal rights group while the police stand around awaiting gunshots that never come.
preacher1 3
Well, they said they were going to ramp up. If it's publicized, that should give Broxton plantation time to get somebody and equipment in
Embarrassing use of aviation equipment, just like the Sea Shepard.
The same FAA that stopped a realtor in LA from using a RC helicopter to pictures of properties listed for sale should take these tree-hugers out of their misery.

Bring a hostile aircraft over the fence at a shooter's home, expect to be shot at.
Cannikin 1
Yeah, try that when the drone flights start. lol
Shooting across public property is against MY US laws.
Shooting pigeons on my own property is in compliance with MY US laws.
So what's the point?... PETA and SHARK people baiting and taking great(non-personal)risk to absolutely prove that I am in compliance with MY and their US laws? Don't these people have anything constructive to do besides trading a personal compassion or belief for money gaining attention? Perhaps KFC should take note.
jhakunti 2
Clearly they're disappointed because they thought they were clever and were clearly outsmarted from a mile away.
Next year's model is coming out with a drone that actually hugs trees.
canuck44 3
Read the comments from the reader "Bravo Sierra" from Moultrie, GA...obviously a lawyer.
I didn't know lawyers hunted anything but human prey. Good for this one.
Toby Sharp 3
That's good stuff right there!
I read BS story, and your right! BS is full of BS!!
They should arm the drone with heat seeking missiles that aim at the hunters' red necks


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