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Read the Federal Complaint Against JetBlue Pilot Clayton Osbon

Federal prosecutors have filed a criminal complaint which details the actions of Clayton Osbon, the JetBlue Flight 191 Captain who suffered a psychotic episode on March 27, 2012. Osbon faces up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. ( 기타...

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alistairm 2
The facts were stated as they had happened. I may be wrong, but i don't think that they can come to the conclusion that he had a mental breakdown in the initial filing of the complaint. If they are going to prosecute this guy, they want to go for the maximum and "assuming" that he had a mental breakdown, will only work against the prosecution in getting the maximum punishment. And as Matt said, these records are public records.
Thank you Matt & Alistair for your comments. I understand and agree with what you have said. I just feel sorry for the guy. With that being said, he did endanger the aircraft and the lives of everyone onboard. He should be held accountable for those actions.
alistairm 2
I also feel sorry for the guy. Whatever made him react like that, i really hope he gets help. He must be wondering what the hell is going on himself. I could not imagine going through something like that.
This should not be available to the public. Whoever "leaked" that complaint should be fired! Reading the complaint, someone unfamiliar with the facts would think that Captain Osbon did this intentionally with malicious intent. All indications are that he suffered some type of breakdown.
Criminal complaints are public record. It wasn't leaked.
I stand corrected. It's still not right though.
alistairm 2
Joseph, we all know that logically, this guy did not do this when right minded. Obviously he had a breakdown of some sort. However, it is not the posecutions job to proof that he had a mental breakdown, that is a job for his defence. No one on the legal side of things can make the assumption that he had a mental breakdown and make it stick, that is the job of a psychologist/psychiatrist. He will have to go for evaluation for his mental state. The psych evaluation will tell it all. From there, he will have his day in court.


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