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Pilot hurt after 2nd emergency landing in 2 days

Southwestern Michigan authorities say a 72-year-old pilot made an emergency landing for the second straight day, this time ending up in the hospital. ( 기타...

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preacher1 4
It don't sound like he got it fixed
preacher1 2
Well, it don't.LOL
lol....I am done with this conversation
preacher1 1
10-4 Tim, have a good evening.
you safe
first question...Was he an experienced A&P?..... Second.....Who would try to fly a plane out a field that has already experienced engine trouble once?....glad is alright however at 72 he may want become friends with some younger guys around the airport that love to fly and would be more than happy to sit right seat.
linbb 1
Two things wrong here who said he fixed it he may have had an A&P do it, I am one by the way and two is that there is no right seat in that AC. One more item who in the hell says that at 72 you are anything but a good pilot probalby better thay you if you are even one. Oh yes and once its fixed you have to fly it at some point or do you suggest that the plane just sit there forever.
preacher1 1
The story says he fixed it and tried to fly it out. I am like you on pilot age. All else is just conjecture on somebody's part.
Theres a right seat and even a back seat in a tripacer.
First of all who wizzed in your cornflakes?...second of all there isn't much to a tri-pacer so it could have been trucked out on a roll back...third of all no one ever said that a HEALTHY 72 year old can't fly; maybe he has undiagnosed alzheimers no one on here knows...forth of all did you even read the article because it clearly says HE fixed it....fifth of all if you are an A&P you would know that a tri-pacer as more than one seat and Sixth of all now that I've gotten your blood pressure raised have a blessed day and I still love you :)
There is a right seat in a tripacer. It has 4 seats actually
however I doubt you would actually be able to use all four considering most only have a 135hp engine
don't look like the last landing was quite successful...


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