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Bombardier shifts focus away from commercial aircraft

Though the CRJ programme remains under Bombardier's wing, company executives made clear on 8 November that Bombardier's focus has shifted away from commercial aviation. "Bombardier is well positioned with our rail, business aircraft and aero-structures business," says chief executive Alain Bellemare during Bombardier's third quarter earnings call. "In the future, this will be where we will deploy our capital to [ensure] strong return on investment." ( 기타...

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bettiem 2
@Tyler Emtage: I see your point. Thank you. But with Porter being a private company and, by its recent setting up in Thunder Bay because of shortage of range of the Q400 to serve Western destinations, I hold my breath until word comes from Porter itself. The arithmetic and the shift of relationship to Viking, just might cause a major, dramatic decision. - like becoming a public company? Using raised funds to buy other aircraft? Or leaving CYTZ to make its base elsewhere? or just liquidating? It seems significant for them, - and thus for Viking. - and thus for Toronto.
Bombardier is selling their Q400 programme to Viking Air so the Q400 programme will not go to waste.

Not just that, but I can see Viking making modifications to it, something Bombardier seemed less willing to carry out..and this is probably the reason why.
You're probably right there... I would like to see some modification made to it or new features.
bettiem 1
Have there been any comments on this from Porter Airlines? I think that their fleet consists solely of Q400s.
My first comment was supposed to be a reply right here.
Cansojr 0
Who is going to receive the CRJ? You can only go so far with a new design. I think Bombardier is and has been pragmatic about its products demand in a tough market. I think that you can only go do far with one model, the 737 is a good model. Bombardier is also playing from its strength. Smart move while other competitors flog the same old product new airaft smell.
Receive the CRJ? Noone as far as can be told, at least for right now..CRJ incorporates beautifully with the Global lineup.


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