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American Airlines Effectively Begins Partnership With China Southern

American Airlines and China Southern have begun their extended partnership today, which will see both carriers codesharing on additional routes beyond key gateways in China and the United States. Both airlines announced this tight interaction in November 2018, in which a code-share agreement would place the AA code on all of China Southern's flights to and from the United States, and vice-versa. Moreover, both carriers will place their codes on each of their extended domestic services. ( 기타...

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WELL..all i can say is,we are a "global community" with airlines flying everywhere now and so many of these code share deals...supposedly it makes it easier to ticket a passenger for connecting travel and for the airlines to share revenue..
match made in heaven. butt destroyer seats, Y service that is laughable, indifferent J, and a few dozen in F....don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE a oneworld intra China option, but seriously...this is like two Spirit teenagers having a baby.
I've flown both. China Southern was great. Brand new aircraft, better meals than most and got there on time from Melbourne to london. AA has problems. I don't care to fly them, even if they codeshare with Qantas, my national airline.


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