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US airlines try to calm nervous travelers after fatal crash of Boeing 737 MAX jet in Ethiopia

U.S. airlines tried to assure nervous customers Monday that the Boeing 737 MAX jets they fly are safe, a day after one of the new jets operated by Ethiopian Airlines crashed outside of Addis Ababa and killed all 157 people on board. ( 기타...

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the airlines lack standing to vouch for the max jet 737's- conflict of interest here much?

Use your brains- we do not know the reason(s) for either crash, there is a aura of suspicion that needs complete clarification, else the jets ought to be grounded until we all know what is going on.

What a ridiculous comment, proof that just because someone has a right to a view does not make in valid.

The regulator's primary role is to ensure as far as possible the safety of passengers, as a % of fatalities against safe flights completed the 737 Max has the worst safety record of all time. When a regulator decided not to ground the model one can only conclude that it applied greater weight to considerations other than passenger safety. Could it be argued that this was a dereliction of duty? If this plane was manufactured by Airbus would the decision have been different? The FAA has lost all credibility with me.
Hmm: whilst it has, in the space of five months, closed in on the 1950s initial failure record of the Comet, the 737-MAX *IS* killing more passengers in each incident.

I take comfort from the fact that, in this era of social media, manufacturers (however well-embedded with the current USA administration) cannot over-ride a tidal wave of frightened negativity. I do believe, however, that the FAA should have "grown a pair" in a shorter time period.

It is sad that some 300 people had to die before Boeing finally tells pilots to RTFM. Has the 737 reached its shelf-life, continually tweaked beyond the sensible limit? Yes, it has clocked up 5,000 orders, but should it not have been replaced by a newly-developed airframe where the engines don't drag along the runway?



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