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What all fliers should know about the 737 MAX situation

If you’ll be flying anytime soon, pay attention to travel news about the grounded 737 Max 8 and 9 aircraft. It may have no effect on your trip, but it might... ( 기타...

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Cansojr 2
Maybe I am being a little paranoid but I will not get on an AIR CANADA Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft until they have provided safe and dependable service without any hinky business with the MCAS for one calendar year, with the ability to go manual. One participant suggested a BIG RED BUTTON to push if they encountered difficulties.

I am not going to be a voluntary hamster to test Boeing's software and mechanical repairs for the whole system. I will never get on a West Jet period. They are light on experience and common sense such as the beach ball stunt in the Caribbean. If there is one problem there are likely many that have not been found.

I would love to see the snag books for the Max 8's with more time on them to get a better ideas about its correctable flaws. I don't hate Boeing, I just think that they have could have been straight forward much sooner. Boeing still makes fantastic aerospace products.
"I am not going to be a voluntary hamster to test Boeing's software and mechanical repairs for the whole system"

And yet we all have been at one point or another. As much as I have loved ACA and WJA, I much prefer FAB to get me to my destination safely.
linbb -2
Funny most of the problem is with the PILOTS and Mechanics who didn't do there job. No test flight with one to check if the problem still existed, well guess loading it up with PAX counts as one how did that work out? Then there was lets keep flipping switches on and off that should fix it. That one is in the flight manual as a do not do also and then the one, fly the plane without auto ever what. Seems to blame Boeing is more of a way out than to face the real problem. You know that people like you don't understand.
You seem offended, you have shares in Boeing or are you employed there??


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