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First flight for Ampaire’s hybrid-electric Cessna

Californian company Ampaire has made the first flight of its hybrid-electric Cessna 337, swapping out one of the aircraft’s two engines for an electric propulsion unit. The aircraft, based on the six-seat Cessna 337 Skymaster with fore and aft engines, was retrofitted with Ampaire’s electric propulsion system powered by a lightweight battery system. The battery-powered electric motor replaces a combustion engine of the aircraft’s original two-engine configuration, and the resulting system is a… ( 기타...

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linbb -2
So what as electric cars are laugh at the best except for short run driving as heaters and AC use up power and cause a 20-40% reduction in range. Also to say it cuts pollution is another BS deal as overall electric power is slightly worse overall than conventional power. But hey Al Gore theory is alive and well soon coming to your pocket book for more money.


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