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Asiana Airlines Airbus A380 Catches Fire At Seoul Airport

An Asiana Airlines A380 has caught fire whilst being refueled at an airport in Korea. The aircraft, details of which are unknown at the time, was parked at the gate at Seoul Incheon today when the far left engine, number one, caught fire. Shocking footage has emerged of the Asiana Airlines A380 at the gate at Seoul Incheon Airport. Smoke and flames appear to be spewing out of the number one engine (outer left) as it is parked at the terminal. ( 기타...

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Can someone please tell me why in the hell was Asiana Hot refueling this plane in the first place???
Curious as to why you thot they were doing a "hot refueling"? Engine two isn't running, and usually don't have engines spooled up parked at gate. I have a feeling engine 1 is rotating due to the whatever happened to it.
Also why didnt they pull the fire handle. Im sure that would have put some if not all of the fire out?
Probably no one inside the aircraft during the refueling. Thot APU had to at least be running for fire suppression system to work, not ground power?
Hull insurance proceeds could come in handy for a cash-strapped airline.
Did the engine fail or was the plane close to retirement. I'm confused.
they were refueling and it unexpectedly caught fire.. that is my conclusion.
That is just weird. I would recommend putting the red engine covers on all four engines before refueling, and anyways, they are fire-resistant.
the jet was only four years old. Asiana will be broke by next year.
Who knows tbh. I honestly think they would be succeeding because of the A350, which is much more fuel-efficient than the A380.


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