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Minnesota pilot rescued after plane gets entangled in power lines, dangles in mid-air

A pilot was rescued Saturday after his small-engine plane became entangled in high-voltage power lines in Minnesota, officials said. Thomas Koskovich, 65, was flying his Piper Cub south when he became trapped in the wires in Scott County around 4 p.m., the Scott County Sheriff's Office said. Authorities said they received a 911 call about a plane dangling upside-down in the air in Louisville Township. ( 기타...

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Retired carrier jock? Seriously, glad he is ok, could have been much worse.
Well this is good news. The plane still looks likes in one piece and if rescued right may still be fly able
He’s got some ‘splaining to do...
"O Dear" ? Maybe next time he gets close to the ground he should be looking a bit more ?????
linbb 1
Met the guy who did it at Boeing Field in Seattle years back was upside down shut the highway down during the morning commute.


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