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Rehearsal exposes gaps in COVID vaccine delivery

FedEx and UPS say they are ready to deliver coronavirus vaccines, but a prominent state health official says there are some gaps still in the government's rollout. ( 기타...

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Thankfully this is what rehearsals are for
"Levine, who is also president of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, testified that during practice runs there frequently was a two-day lag between arrival of the vaccine and related supplies such as syringes, alcohol swabs and protective gear."

What. The. Hell. I could care less if it's an officially licensed needle, just give me the damn shot.
True. I'm sure things will be ironed out.
Delivering the vaccine will be a piece of cake for FedEx and UPS. The problem is keeping the greedy fingers of grifter, sociopathic politicians from exploiting it for personal gain.
At some point, others besides FedEx and UPS may be involved. But not now.
אתה נראה טייס מומחה נשמח להיות אתך בקשר
-94F ain't exactly Amazon Fresh territory, Dave.


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