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Iran To Pay $150,000 Damages For Each Victim In UIA 737 Downing

Reports coming out of Iran today suggest that the Iranian authorities have passed a bill to compensate the families of the people who lost their lives during the downing of Ukraine International Airlines flight PS 752 ( 기타...

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$25M USD, presuming they pay out to Iranian Citizens as well. Sad to put a price on a life, I am frankly surprised they will pay anything. Time will tell if they do in fact pay.
linbb -2
And unlike Airbus that had a software glitch that caused auto throttle not to work, had to use there hand on it when engaged so they wouldnt retard that took an accident that killed all to get AB to fix the software issue. It was a known defect and they never grounded the A310 before or after the fix.
WTH has that got to do with a countries military downing a civilian flight..and then insulting the victims afterwards??
If they are paying in Iranian Rial.....that works out to be $3.56 USD.
So the jerkwads admit the guilt but figure a human life is only worth $150K??
I'm surprised they are getting anything. It's not like they're currency amounts to much outside of Iran. I'm just thinking this off the top of my head. I don't know what they're exchange rate is. I know they aren't the richest country in the world.
Goodness me ? THAT took a long time to get done, and not before time either !!!!


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