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1944 North American T-6 Texan Goes from Trainer to Entertainer

Before American war aces were able to prove themselves in the skies over the Pacific, for instance, they had to learn how to do it. There were a lot of solutions at hand to get these pilots up to speed with what flying a fighter plane was all about, but few are as important as the T-6 Texan. ( 기타...

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At Collins Foundation in Massachusetts I flew with the canopy open because I was nauseated as a rear seater. Awesome!!
linbb 2
Its a normal option to do so I was offered to have it open on the CAF SNJ ride. I also have flown in a stearman which has an open cockpit.
I got to fly in those once... Interesting planes... I also got to overhaul one of the engines... Was such a pleasure to be around so much history!
linbb 0
What a dumb post its been doing airshows before you ever flew.
what a dumb post this is


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