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Bye Aerospace Develops 8-Seat eFlyer 800 Electric Aircraft

Bye Aerospace announced an 8-seat all-electric twin turbo-prop class aircraft, the eFlyer 800, envisioned for air-taxi, air-cargo, regional and charter aircraft markets. ( 기타...

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linbb 3
So far no eclectic aircraft has done much more than lift itself and batteries along with the pilot. The Beaver failed as it could only have the pilot and batteries, the Cessna 208 got test flown and is up for sale best it could according to the builder was 7 pax and the pilot. But range was short. Ho hum another airplane that has not done anything yet. Wait until all of those power things try to operate. NOT.
To me a Turbo Prob runs off of fuel... How can n Electric A/C that is Turbo Prop!
Yes, definitively not the best way to put this. I suppose they mean an aircraft in the same class as smaller turboprops.
To be nice to the Media (rare for me) they have not been the greatest at choosing Head Lines! Sometimes more comedy Central


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