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Yet Another Passenger Throws Coins Into Aircraft Engine Of Chinese Flight

A passenger boarding a Beibu Gulf Airlines flight was detained after throwing six coins into the engine of the aircraft which was set to fly from Weifang to Haiku. ( 기타...

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a ritual for "good luck possibly?i guess the passengers in that region don understand how planes and engines work,and that coins might cause an engine failure!this is hardly the same as rubbing a coinf for luck, or even throwing coins into a fountain!
I assume it's a custom much like throwing coins into a fountain or pond for good luck. What I find to be interesting is that passengers have the access; are they allowed that close to the engine nacelle? They must be walking across the ramp to board.
Seems they it will bring them luck, although it's hard to understand the thought process behind that. Perhaps they could try it with turboprop aircraft when the engines are running.
OMG? Thank goodness the Ground Crews were on the ball and found the coins. What's wrong with these idiot's I have to ask myself ? even given that these people are of an older age and maybe don't fly much If at all ? then at least some sort of common sense has to prevail. Maybe they also throw coins into their car engines or the Taxis or Buses they use too !!!!
Same sort of people believes Earth is flat...
There always a few bad eggs or poor people fell victim of interest trolling...


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