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A Boeing 737’s unstabilized approach into Bhutan

The cockpit video footage has emerged of a July 12, 2021, flight from Kolkata, India (CCU), to Paro, Bhutan (PBH). The flight was operated by Tri-MG Intra Asia Airlines, with a Boeing 737-300 that had the registration code PK-YGW. The 23-year-old plane was in a cargo configuration, and allegedly carrying vaccines to Bhutan. ( 기타...

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As far as I know, pilots flying to Paro have to have training. Dis these pilots undergo the special training?
Mentor Pilot did a quite detailed analysis on the clip. Check it out on YouTube, explained why you hear a guide, and why they didn't go around.
jptq63 3
Surprised the person doing the filming did not shout out a go around; hell ain't worth my life I know for sure. BTW, think I hear someone saying -- Be careful, Don't worry about it, good, good, good, OK -- THUD. in the video. Is that the guy in the right seat?
good thing runways are as wide as this one is, as the "pilots???" found one half of it to ground their aircraft.No mention of winds or wind direction. Call this a dutch roll landing....
bdarnell 4
Unstabilized ? That was a semi-controlled crash.
@ least they were able to walk away…..this time. One of those landings the next stop is to get a really, really stiff drink…. OK, maybe two

Next time they may not be as lucky
I thought there was a special rating required to fly this approach
I've done worst . . .
I saw the video. That was pretty rough.
That wasn't only rough, it was rank amateur. Four bar in the right seat with a cell phone camera going all the way. Sterile cockpit compliance in it's most non-existent form. Still can't believe the proof of their hiring, training practices went viral from one of their own. Bet he had a talk with the CP., as the check airman.
Touted as one of the world's most challenging approaches.


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