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Traffic stop near Weed Airport leads to suspected drug dealer's arrest

A routine traffic stop near the Weed Airport led to an arrest after highway enforcement officials discovered over a pound of meth, heroin, and drug paraphernalia inside of the vehicle. ( 기타...

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I’m guessing that someone saw a little irony that there was drug activity around Weed It is possible to laugh at things other than your own image in a mirror.
How is that airplane or airport related seems like a dumb thing to put on an aviation web site
Ha, good catch, Cal!
But April Fool's is yet a fortnight away!
Where the heck is Weed Airport???
Greg S 3
Dude, where's my airport?
It's a refueling stop between KLSD and MDMA. :P

Far northern California, near Mt. Shasta. When I was much younger I thought it was funny taking a picture of "Weed Rest Stop" on I-5 as I was driving through.
rebomar 1
I guess Cal doesn't have a life.
linbb -9
Stupid comment go troll another site this is ridicules to post on here dummy.


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