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Facilities and stored aircraft at Hostomel International are largely destroyed, photos and video

KYIV, UKRAINE — After the withdrawal of Russian forces from Hostomel located in the Northwest of Kyiv, the severity of the damage caused at the airport by Russian attacks was revealed in its entirety. ( 기타...

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The crews knew enough to want the aircraft, that could fly out, relocated before the Russians attacked. Antonov higher ups were to fly to Leipzig to arrange areas to work on the craft. However when they got there, instead they fired the Antonov rep there.
Now apparently a few of those higher ups got fired. Dymtro Antonov's channel is quite eye opening.
We knew the bad news was coming. But the photo's are heart breaking.
Everyone knew an invasion was coming. No one had a contingency plan to relocate any rare aircraft. I guess they thought Russia was joking.
The AN-124 was in heavy maintenance with the engines removed. It was going nowhere
Same applies to An-225, they had warning for a week and flew other planes out, but left the 225 behind...
(Not like its not in flying condition too, there is a new article/statement from a An-225 pilot blaming the company for leaving it behind and destroyed. It was flew in less than a month. Potentially left there as a bait for the Russians or worse, planned to destroy it and blame it on the Russians. Hack, there are also early Tweets from pilots after Russian capture saying the An-225 was intact.)

Regardless I blame the company not trying to preserve An-225. Its quite obvious Russians will try to capture or destroy it, there no excuse leaving it there unless it was un-airworthy.


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