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Picture and Video: Air Canada marks its 85th anniversary by donating historic aircraft to Royal Aviation Museum

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, CANADA — In celebration of its 85th Anniversary, Air Canada donated its historic aircraft, an original Lockheed L-10A Electra airplane, to Winnipeg's Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada. ( 기타...

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AAAhh, back in the day when it was really important in a twin, tail dragger airplane that your feet knew instinctively what to do as well.

Save the old Birds, they just don't make them like that anymore!
Here in the US, I’ve been raising money to restore a Stinson SR-10C Reliant. This one is an original Air Mail Pick-up plane used by All American Airways between 1939 and 1949. FMI and donation link.
Rick D 8
That's my home airport. The museum is right on the airport grounds, within perhaps a 5 minute walk from the terminal. Drop by during a lay over. There is storage available for your bags while you check it out, and a nice observation lounge where you can enjoy a coffee and view the airport.
I believe I may have flown on this plane when she toured the country in the 90s. She was a truly beautiful aircraft and a piece of flying history.
I had occasion to be stationed at CFB North Bay ON. during the 50th anniversary cross Canada tour of this beautiful aircraft. I took several photos of the aircraft on approach, landing and with crew on the ground for photo op. I'd like to share them here but it doesn't seem possible.
Just absolutely fabulous! What a beauty! Bravo Canada!
They are celebrating by sending one of the last two airworthy Electras on it's final journey?

Weird isn't it


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