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Boeing Pleads Not Guilty In 737 Max Crash Fraud Case

Boeing pleaded not guilty in an arraignment on Thursday over charges the manufacturer deceived federal authorities over the safety of its 737 MAX jets following two deadly crashes in 2018 and 2019 ( 기타...

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it is up to boeing defense attorneys to find those who designed the faulty system, installed it, tested it, and approved it, and bring them into court. Whoops: all those responsible for the faulty system that was not disclosed to pilots , not explained how to operate, - all those folks have boeing employee identification numbers and receive regular boeing payroll checks.Problem solved...Let us not overlook the.executives and the board of directors for accountability. Each of those folks must be made to pay the costs of their defense from personal, not corporate boeing funds. accountability must be impressed upon all the potentates who let this killer design slip through their oversight.
i know prosecutors are supposed to charge folks they have evidence about with crimes, and they did here in naming the Boeing company. Some times defense attorneys present alternate theories as they name some body else as the guys who did the dieed. Well, here boeing employees did the deed.
k1121j 1
Now that's funny. Lets just say they are delusional and with this mentality it will happen again
linbb 1
What is funny about it isnt this its why one airline launched a plane load of pax without a test flight first. The second that the pilots were very low time and did not use resource management or were never taught it as neither one was in charge of flying both were trying to solve the problem. And never changed throttle settings or shut off auto trim.
Roy Hunte -1
Profits over people
k1121j 1
Now that's funny
k1121j 0
Off topic but people should learn what the downvote arrow is on this website.. its not the same as Facebook #rolleyes


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