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Paper airplane designed by Boeing engineers breaks world distance record

The world record for the farthest flight by paper airplane has been broken by three aerospace engineers with a paper aircraft that flew a grand total of 289 feet, 9 inches (88 meters), nearly the length of an American football field. ... The feat required months of effort, as the team put in nearly 500 hours of studying origami and aerodynamics to create and test multiple prototypes. The engineers put their final design to the test on December 2, 2022, in Crown Point, Indiana, where the record… ( 기타...

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a mentor 1
Obviously, some commentors have never built any models -- wonder if they've built ANYTHING!
From the picture in the article below, you can see that they basically folded a heavy dart and threw it as far as they can.
so, you want an asterisk?
Now if they could just get that faucet in the can to not drip..... (yes I know that is an outside vendor module).


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